It's a colossal number and if nothing else, bloody terrifying...
Anatomically unequipped as we are for underwater life and as a consequence confined between a rock and a hard-place, here at last, in quiet desperation we stand alone, all 7 billion of us, on what's left of this good haven, the planet EARTH.
Let's pretend, just for a moment, that our moral compass points resolutely NORTH; our right to procreate willy-nilly is unequivocally entrenched and our every whim and wish, material or otherwise, a guarantee and whilst we're at it and yes admittedly it's a bit of a stretch, let's imagine a world where its leaders are intelligently honest and hard-working; holding sacred their people's electoral mandate... In such a gaga-world of music, milk & money and where our bellies grow fat on the marrow of excess will we ponder the day when the music stops, the chairs run-out and the cows run dry?
For now, once more, let's park the ceaseless and perhaps ultimately trivial debate on energy consumption, growing labour-market strife, finite resource allocation, infrastructural spend and space utilisation and ask, as simple men & women one, as yet unanswered question:
- will The Almighty's orchard of little apples feed us all..? I wonder.
Anatomically unequipped as we are for underwater life and as a consequence confined between a rock and a hard-place, here at last, in quiet desperation we stand alone, all 7 billion of us, on what's left of this good haven, the planet EARTH.
Let's pretend, just for a moment, that our moral compass points resolutely NORTH; our right to procreate willy-nilly is unequivocally entrenched and our every whim and wish, material or otherwise, a guarantee and whilst we're at it and yes admittedly it's a bit of a stretch, let's imagine a world where its leaders are intelligently honest and hard-working; holding sacred their people's electoral mandate... In such a gaga-world of music, milk & money and where our bellies grow fat on the marrow of excess will we ponder the day when the music stops, the chairs run-out and the cows run dry?
For now, once more, let's park the ceaseless and perhaps ultimately trivial debate on energy consumption, growing labour-market strife, finite resource allocation, infrastructural spend and space utilisation and ask, as simple men & women one, as yet unanswered question:
- will The Almighty's orchard of little apples feed us all..? I wonder.