Wednesday, 7 September 2011

9/11 & The Patriot Act

It's almost that time of the year when we recall the events that led to the 9/11 tragedy. An act of violence on America specifically but mourned around the world by ALL decent men & women. It's a sensitive issue but no matter the motive, innocent blood was spilled. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims' families and friends.

Without abrogating from the tragedy of the act there remain a few unanswered questions. Ten eventful, some would say 'spiteful', years have past and countless other lives have been lost in retaliatory strikes in open or clandestine conflict. Religious beliefs have been questioned and extremists eliminated in seek & destroy missions. All the while the indoctrination continues... Exceptionalism, a term loosely used to describe superior motive and good intention, is 'The American Way'. Conversely, little boys & girls from other walks of life, geographically removed mostly and sometimes incorrectly associated with Islam are taught from their beginning that 'death to America' is a divine edict! It's difficult to fathom and almost impossible to stop. Even so, I for one, would like to see a change. Without taking sides for neither is justified and as an aside, who can forget the haunting pictures of the US president & his aids whilst they watched on live TV the retaliatory strike in Pakistan?

These then are a few of my questions:

  1. How was it possible logistically, to introduce, understand, debate and vet The USA Patriot Act (300 pages) written in 'response' to 9/11 a mere three days after the tragedy? The Patriot Act doesn't stand-alone but is read in conjunction with the Constitution, a task clearly beyond the competencies of the average congressman or woman read over three years.. Three days?? For those who don't know, the Patriot Act reduced / eliminated restrictions on law-enforcement agencies to search your email, telephone, medical and other records. More importantly, it expanded transparency and financial regulation on foreign individuals and families. Quite clearly a departure from the terms of the US Constitution itself which, until then, guaranteed liberty..
  2. Rumours surrounding the discovery process at ground-zero post the attack are all too easily dismissed as conspiracy theory most of which, to this day, have NOT been adequately dispelled, quelled or disproved. Some of the more obvious queries include the discovery of a large number of explosive caps found on the scene immediately after the attack and the subsequent removal of all steel girders prior independent examination. 
  3. If the US holds the moral ground in Iraq why was Darfur, just a skip to the south, completely ignored?
  4. - and my final question: Why is the US defence-budget equal to the COMBINED defence-budgets of every other country on the planet when millions of Americans live in insecure, fearful poverty...?

One last thought: - If the USA is really just a conglomerate bent on global domination for financial gain, then it's a stock I wouldn't want to own for two fundamental reasons. Firstly, who would openly want to profit from corporations blatantly engaged in immoral activities (The Patriot Act in a convoluted way, specifically prohibits that very thing....) and secondly who would want to own a stock where its executive team hasn't the faintest care for the well-being and motivation of its employees. You might even claim that the executive team couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, they're that stupid..

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