Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Europe's next World War is one of ECONOMIC relevance

Speak to an educated, politically astute European and don't be surprised when he / she tells you that Europe is embroiled in a war so bitter that subsequent social divides will take generations to bridge. 

An influential colleague contends that Europe is in a fight to the death and the enemy is none other than Britain and the United States! 

Why have the Europeans been so slow to respond to the EU crisis?  It’s a function of an outdated institutional structure and cumbersome Legislative, Judicial & Administrative bodies.

These are just a few of the institutional bodies / individuals responsible for the well-being of the European Union:

  1. Ministers and parliamentary secretary generals.
  2. Commissions / Committee of regions, economic and social council-BEI (European Bank of Investments)
  3. FEOGA-(European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Funds).
  4. (EMCF) -European Monetary Cooperation Funds.
  5. Secretary General of the Council of Europe
  6. Parliament
  7. W.E.U (Western European Union)
  9. E.C.B (European Central Bank)
  10. O.E.E.C (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
  11. The Council of Europe
  12. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
  13. CSCE (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
  14. The legislative council has powers.
  15. The commissions and the legislature and the executive for the E.C.S.C. 
  16. E.I.B (European Investment Bank)
  17. E.B.R.D (European Bank for Reconstruction And Development) 
It’s understandable why Europe has responded so slowly to a deliberate, well-coordinated economic attack and why the consequences have been devastating. Germany has alluded to this fact and is demanding structural reforms.

Britain is the enemy… 

(A simple example) - Britain proposed the purchase of significantly subsidised New Zealand sheep in exchange for British-made vehicles offered cheaply. The sheep are sold to France at excessively inflated prices and the commission shared…It's open to scrutiny and is a tangible and deliberate attempt by Britain to collapse the EAGGF. 

The United States is the enemy… 

(A simple example) - European banks have been driven to the cusp of bankruptcy by a co-ordinated attack by US banks intent on creating problems where there are none in an effort to destroy the Euro. Interbank rates are open to scrutiny and confirm the intent.

Whichever way you look at it it's certainly a refreshing take on the European Crisis and perhaps an opinion we should not dismiss too lightly. 

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