Wednesday 19 October 2011

You knew the world would not be the same

I suppose one way or another we all knew what had to happen here.

Only a fool dismisses the potentially cataclysmic socio-economic protests outside Wall St as a non-event. Even so, perversely, it's a self-absorbed and deceitfully false consolation to chant demographically popular anti- Wall St rhetoric. To do so adds credence to the establishment which relies on the ignorance of the people for stability. Systemic failure is hard-wired into the financial 'operating system' and it can't be outrun..

Ignoring the emotive naivety that 'all men are created equal', the presupposed notion of self-indulgent material entitlement becomes core. Selective praise for technological advancement is equally naive. For interest, lauding Apple Inc. for its technological innovation whilst despising the technological efficiencies in the manufacturing sector which, by definition, lead to job losses is wrong. Equally, blaming banks or Wall St for excessive credit extension, sovereign or otherwise on the basis of deferred repayment, an accepted, modern innovation, is ignorant. These institutions, conduits for our ceaseless material demands, then become scapegoats for greed, not theirs, ours...

Accepting that the fault lies within each of us is an obvious if not painful prerequisite for economic change. Only then can we effectively address 'the system' which is, quite candidly, terminal.

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