Thursday, 2 June 2011

Eisbein mit Tzatziki

Times have changed and in most respects, for the better. Nevertheless, it can be argued that respect for discipline has diminished with work ethic. Authoritative figures live in fear of 'harming the people' by imposing restraints upon their instincts... leading, inevitably, to a breakdown of personal responsibility.

When accepted / published standards of 'good behavior' are ignored and not reprimanded, the transgressor is not given the opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility... The authority [ie: institution, government, common union etc] therefore fails in its own responsibilities.

There is ONE market certainty and that is that traders will always sell short the instruments they think will uncover the most stops. Inevitably (unsurprisingly) prices will fall. Artificial stimulation merely 'kicks the can down the road' and confirms the trade.

In these modern times the EU must inspire Greece and serve her best interests by refusing more aid or traders will not 'spare the rod', which is a thoroughly violent, old-fashioned idea...

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