Tuesday, 28 June 2011

More than one way to skin a cat..

Inevitably some countries will have to pull out of the euro. The current Eurozone quandary is less complicated than originally envisaged assuming that leaders show some backbone for a change and look to the region's future. Not surprisingly therefore, there are more ways than one to resolve the current Eurozone problems. Hand-outs are politically-popular but it's not best practice. Assuming German tax-payers are thrilled to continue supporting their Greek friends I suppose it's the easiest way. (ie: It's quite simple to lay-off the region's problems on unassuming, 'less-financially-astute' people with better things to do than understand the financial ineptitude of their neighbours...)

There is a better way...

The Eurozone has approved a large sum of money to 'bail-out' Greece. Even so, the Greeks find the Ts & Cs  a little 'austere'.. Like Oliver, our Hellenic friends have asked for more. We've given them more but they don't like the added spice...

Let Greece go. Use the money approved by the EU for Greece to prop up exposed European banks who might suffer loss from a Greek default. Kill two birds with one bail-out, so to speak. That way the EU has a reasonable chance of being repaid by REGULATED institutions (OCHI chance that the Greeks will repay their debts). Greece can 'cry-freedom' and pour themselves another shot..

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