Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Boehner sings the blues and it's all a lie..

The US is not, as is claimed by Boehner, 'drowning in a sea of debt'.. Building political support by preying on ordinary people's fear is politically fashionable but it's cruel, out-of-touch and blatantly unethical. Most Americans want their representatives, both Republican and Democrat to address the issue of JOB-creation!

Sifting through the political rhetoric it's clear that the 'deficit problem' is NOT the burning short-term issue. Whilst the future increase in welfare spending will have to be addressed, the growth in deficit is primarily a function of declining revenue. In addition to tax cuts instituted during Pres. Bush's reign, the decline in revenue is largely a function of the recession.. Boehner's focus, therefore, on 'debt' and the deficit, which he claims requires massive cuts in spending, is nothing but a political sham or smokescreen. In case you missed it Obama's offer of trillions in spending cuts has largely been ignored.

One more thing; Boehner's offer of $1 trillion would see the US through to just shy of the next scheduled election....

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