Friday, 1 July 2011

Why the US lost its mojo..

Humanity finds motivation in leadership and courage. Our inspiration is fleetingly a function of success.

The US gave us its American Dream and inspired the world. Amazingly, somewhere, somehow and largely unnoticed the Stars & Stripes lost its way and with its moral demise went our respect. Consequently, lesser nations lacked the encouragement of experience and stumbled. Most of us can't balance the books....

These are the 2011 budgeted numbers for the US:
  1. Total receipts (turnover) - $2.56 trillion or 16.8% of GDP ($15.3 trillion)
  2. Total outlay (expenditure)- $3.8 trillion or 25.1% of GDP
  3. Annual deficit (overdraft) - $1.26 trillion or 8.3% of GDP
  4. Of the $3.8 trillion in outlay $1.4 trillion is discretionary. $846 billion is spent on security...(??)
Yes we KNOW the US will avoid armageddon by increasing its debt-ceiling before August 2. (Congress has done so 78 times previously.) Rules are easily changed and greed demands a quick fix. Even so, without our mentor the world will lurch from one catastrophe to another. 

Get the hell out of Afganistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran...and pull finger; the world needs you. 

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